My teeth were wonky when I was a child because I use to suck my finger and therefore it pushed my two front teeth outwards. I had a brace when I was 13-16, it wasn't a train track but sort of like a retainer brace.
Pretty Naff really. At that age I wasn't really arsed about how I looked. Also my orthodontist didn't stress about the importance of wearing your retainer. Since your teeth constantly move throughout your life.
So there was little me not really fused and so thought that my treatment was up and my teeth would stay straight forever. Oh Noes. They have become stupidly wonky again. So all that time and effort was for nothing. I am obsessed with teeth, every time I look at someone I will notice their teeth straight away.
Now, I think its so important to have a nice smile. Your teeth are constantly on show, talking, smiling etc. So therefore I have decided to get Invisalign. I'm 20 years old, I don't want another metal mouth for another 1-2 years of my life. You don't even notice when someone has Invisalign, it just looks like their normal teeth. Obviously because I'm older this time I will have to pay for my treatment. I've been quoted £3000.
I have no confidence, I'm so aware that my teeth are overlapping and wonky. And it really makes me unhappy. The sooner I start the treatment the better.
I can't wait to come out of this, hopefully with a new smile.
I've also been thinking of getting whitening when my treatment is complete,
but thats a long while off yet. (hahha me getting ahead of myself.)