Wednesday, 10 October 2012

I saved a ferret!

I saved a ferret!

If you don't already know, I am a huge animal lover and will always try to do my best by them. Well today I went downstairs and started to clean Ted and Basil out. In the corner of my eye I saw a white flash disappearing into Basil's hutch. I thought 'oh bloody hell, what on earth is that thing'. I stopped what I was doing and went out to investigate. A little furry face of a ferret appeared from inside the hutch. I acted quick and shut her in the run. I then went to phone my Dad and Mum to tell them about this little creature. But as I was doing that she managed to escape out of a small hole.
She then was loose again in the garden. We usually put bread out for the birds to eat but she was picking it up and running off with it. It was so funny. I knew I had to get hold of her again but I didn't want to pick her up since she could bite. I coaxed her back into the rabbit run and shut her in securely. I also put some more sawdust in the hutch. Eventually she curled up and went to sleep. Then my Mum came home and we decided to call the rescue shelter and they said to bring her in. We also contacted the police incase someone had reported her missing. Afterwards Mum and me put her in Ted's travel cage and put a blanket over it to keep her calm. And then we drove to the shelter and dropped her off there.

The shelter is called Capricorn Animal Rescue (site link here). They are based in North Wales and have so many animals. So if you on the hunt to welcome a new pet to your family you should definitely check the place out. :)
She was such a little cutie. I would definitely have kept her but we already have Ted and Basil. But for now she's going to be well looked after and have other ferrety friends to play with. :) Take a look at my video since I managed to get some footage of her.
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  1. The same thing happened to me a few months ago, I found a ferret in the road and managed to get it in the car and to the local animal sanctuary :)

    1. Owhhh bless, so glad you could help him/her :D x

  2. Awww! I've never seen an escaped ferret before, so cute that he was in the cage, he was totally making friends!

    The Style Rawr!

    1. I know, I nearly had a heart attack I thought it was a massive white rat at first haha x

  3. How cute is she?! You just have to love her :)

    1. Haha I know, she's got a little cheeky face :P x

  4. aw so cuuute, she looks so cosy!! x

    1. I know! She made herself right at home :P x
