Tuesday, 22 May 2012

So Warm

It has been an absolute scorcher of a day.
All I've done is lie in the garden like a lizard.
Oh and of course done some biochemistry and genetics revision. Exam tomorrow, AH!

I've managed to redden my face slightly, which is always a good thing.
Next stop bronze body, here's to wishful thinking!
But in all honestly, I really hope that this weather stays like this for the rest of the Summer. 
*crosses every body part*
Then I'll get to wear all the cute summery things which have been at the back of my wardrobe for the past century.

Basil the bunny has also been helping me do my work.
He hops up to me gives me a nudge with his nose and tries to eat my notes. 
Thanks pal!


  1. Basil is a beautyyyy! The sunshine has been just divine hasn't it :)

  2. lovely top:)
    I love nice weather but I just hate the real heat in the mid summer here.
    and a really cute bunny!

  3. really lovely outfit and the bunny is veeeeeeeeery cute:)


