
Wednesday 22 May 2013

get to know me a wee bit more

I've just reached a massive milestone on YouTube... I now have over 10,000 subscribers, wewt! I actually can't believe it, it is madness. Anywhoo, I thought I'd put a video together just telling you guys a little bit more about myself, so I hope you enjoy :).
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Tuesday 21 May 2013

Viridian Products

I've never been a big supplement taker but I thought I'd try out these two products from VIRIDIAN. Both products contain all things natural and are 100% organic. Something which definitely pleases me, as I know there's nothing in there that's going to harm me. But in actual fact, is going to aid in my health and well being.

My favourite one out of the two is the Ultimate Beauty Complex*. These little capsules are easy to swallow, (when I remember), usually I'm dashing about in the morning, trying to get ready for work. Anyways! It is their job to support the health of skin, hair and nails. My skin has been a lot better recently and I've had compliments on my hair growth. I believe the hair growth is down to the combination of using the beauty complex and the FAST shampoo and conditioner.

I found the Beauty Oil* a little difficult to get to grips with. I've tried to drink it from a spoon but I just can't handle the taste. It's something which I can't really describe but I just can't hack it! Instead, I've decided to use it directly on my skin, it is an oil after all! I found this method to suit me a lot better and it really combats the dryness and leaves my skin feeling soft.

I think the Ultimate Beauty Collection Pack would make a great gift for someone. It contains the Beauty Oil, Beauty Complex, Beauty Skin Repair Oil and an awesome booklet containing tips and advice. The products come in an organic cotton makeup bag, perfect for travel! :)
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Monday 20 May 2013


I got me some new bits and bobs and I thought you guys might to have a gander! I seem to have gone for bright colours, which I suppose isn't a bad thing! It makes a nice to change to the usual blacks and greys. Bring it on the Summer, I say! However, I have now put myself on a spending ban as I'm trying to save up to buy myself a house. I'm 23 this year and I'd love to be able to move out and into my own little place :D.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Amie Products

"Hi, my name's Harriet and I'm a skincare junkie in the making :)". 

Over these past couple of months I've be dabbling in quite a lot of skincare products and to be honest I've really been enjoying it. I've always been quite lazy up until now, but because I can't wear makeup at work, my skin needs to be in tiptop condition.

I've been reaching for these two AMIE products recently. To start off, I'm in love with the design on the packaging, it's so simple and cute! Definitely something that attracted me to them at first. Next is that the products are full of natural ingredients which are designed to work in harmony with one's skin. 

The Amie Gentle Facial Wipes* contain extracts of pomegranate, cranberry and green tea perfect for cleansing the skin and removing makeup. After using the wipes I move onto the Amie Skin Shield Daily Moisturiser*. The first thing that I noticed is that it smells bloody gorgeous. This kind of scent is something that I've never come across before. It smells delicious and doesn't seem to fade throughout the day. So you often get nice smelling wafts. The consistency is quick thick, almost like sun screen but it goes on well and sinks into the skin quickly. 

I've really been enjoying using these together and I would really recommend them if your wanting to take care of your skin using affordable natural products.
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