
Tuesday 2 April 2013

happy happy happy, Summer's on its way!

Yaaay, so it's finally getting to Summer, we've changed our clocks one hour forward and now we're in British Summer Time, BooYah! Sunshine, and weather in general, really affects my mood. When it's a lovely day out, I'm way more productive. For example, I'll go for a long run, eat healthier, film videos and write blog posts. I also see things differently, I look at life in a whole different way. In general, I'm a much more positive person! So I really hope we get a bloomin' good Summer this year, God knows we desperately need deserve it! :)
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  1. You look so pretty! I'm so happy it's finally feeling like spirng time x

  2. Fab photo you look so pretty, yay for summer and hopefully good weather :) x

  3. You look gorgeous! I'm so excited for summer, when it was 7pm yesterday and still light out I was SO happy! xo

  4. I have a hair like you and had no idea what to do with it until I found your blog! THANK YOU!
