
Thursday 1 November 2012


Hi! Thought I'd show you guys a couple of things I picked up from Primark the other day. The first being this awesome faux leather studded envelope clutch. This caught my eye straight away and I knew I had to have it, especially at £6. 
It also comes with a shoulder strap which I like.
I then saw this purple and teal scarf. I love the texture, it reminds me of a patchwork quilt. The colours are perfect for A/W and it is quite thick so will definitely keep you warm. I just thought it was slightly unusual and not very "Primarky"! 
Plus it was only 4 smackeroonies. :)

I did pick up some other things but they're such a nuisance to photograph, so those shall be in my video.
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  1. I bought this bag yesterday! It also fits loads in :D x

  2. That bag is so cute, a different take on the whole stud trend! Handy that it comes with a shoulder strap

    Robyn Mayday

  3. Yeah! And its not as lethal as those spikey studs :P x

  4. Love how you showed the clothes on at the end! I have a huge Primark haul to film after a couple of trips to the new Oxford Street one...

    Sam Muses xx

  5. Thanks! If you film it please send me the link, I would love to watch it :) x
