
Thursday 13 September 2012

Piercings I Want

I love piercings and it's around this time that I seem to get a new one. I had to take my rook out because it was such a pain in the butt, it didn't heal even after nearly 12 months! I personally think my right ear just doesn't like to have metal in it, whereas my left ear heals up really quickly, strange O_O.

Anyways, I was browsing through Tumblr the other night and came across these two pictures. Hayden looks gorgeous with her helix done, so does Caggie from Made in Chelsea. But everyone seems to have that piercing so then I saw the forward helix. And I think this one will be perfect. I just cannay wait to get it done.

I also like the stretched lobe too. Not the ones which are the size of dinner plates, that's just wrong. But I like the look of little tunnels, so I might have a go at that, I've heard its painful, eek!

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  1. I had to take out my room to, it sucks! Now I want a new percing

    1. It does suck! I hate having to take out piercings, bah!

  2. Wow, my rook has been giving me headaches for the last 9 months too! It's so frustrating cause I really LOVE how it looks, but it just won't heal no matter what I do. I even asked a dermatologist about it and his response was: it looks like your body doesn't want it.... I will keep trying, but geeee is it frustrating :/ nice to know I'm not the only one though lol ;)

    1. Yeah, it is frustrating! I gave up in the end, my body just didn't want it. :'( x

  3. Love your new font btw :)
    Amy x

  4. I love ear piercings. I got my tragus done recently, and have a gold hoop in like Scarlett Johanssons.

    I have no idea how to take it out, but it's just as well as I love it. :) x

    1. Haha. My tragus is so fiddly, so it hardly ever gets changed ^^ x

  5. love love love <3

  6. ive got my forward helix done twice and going for a third! :) have a look on google images of triple helix, its super cute!
