
Saturday 5 March 2011

Hair Dilemma

I get bored of my hair all the time!
Its such a nuisance.
I chop it all short then I try to grow it long again.
I've been fully blonde, to dark brown, to light brown/dark blonde, to red/purple to auburn.

Last night I went out for my friend Alex's Bday.
Couldn't stay out too long since I had a hair appointment at 9am.

Basically I ended up with blonde highlights all over.
It took 2 hours and the amount of foils/beach that was used was unreal!
I have stupidly thick hair *shakes fist*

Beforehand I wasn't sure whether to go back blonde or do something crazy and go black.
Black is the one colour I have never been!

I love bein' blonde! (&&& I want those black wedges!) Blonde is what I'm use to!

But after reading a blog by Janni and her having gorgeous black hair I was unsure what to do.

The only problem I have with black is changing it once I become bored.
Black to Blonde eeeek!
But no doubt in the future I will bite the bullet and have black hair.
I'm curious to how I would look.

Anyways after that random ramble,
I'll shurrup.

Harriet x


  1. I love black hair on everyone, i think black suits ANYONE, from dita von teese to naomi cambpbell. If you want brunette hairspiration check Catherine Zeta Jones. I admit tho, i love blonde on you it suits you so well.

  2. black hair looks so gorgeous when it's done nice! you do suit blonde hair tho, i'm the same as you, my hair is ridiculously thick! it's a right 'mare xx

  3. If you are afraid to go black (I understand, it's a mess to change your hair color after), you could always try a dark brown first. Black is nice because it's so low maintenance.

  4. Cute blog!
    This is my problem too! I can never decide what I want and always want to change. You would look gorgeous with any colour!
    I love those wedges too x

  5. i'm constantly in this dilemma.. always wanting to go dark or red. but ultimately i know i'll always want to be blonde again haha.
